onsdag 24. august 2011


Molladalen is a very beatuiful mountain valley in the alps of Sunnmøre (my area in Norway). I'd never been there before, so I was quite excited! The weather forecast predicted good weather Thursday 11th of August, and we took advantage of it! My mom was tour guide, Robert fotographer and I just tagged along...

After about an hour drive, including two ferrys, so JR could get his "sveler",  at the parking area .

My mom and I looking at the information board. 

My mom guiding and informing.

The track was pretty steep! 

After a whole lot of walking, the first glimps of the alps emerged! A lot of fog surrounded the mountain tops.

We had wonderful weather on the way up!

We had to pass some sheep, and one even bit my mom. (guess that's what you get when you pretend to feed them with nothing in your hand)

Steep, oh yeah. Had to hold on to a chain for some meters. 

Robert and the view. 

After about 2 hours of walking, we reached our destinaion! And the mountains were covered in fog...

Luckily my mom brought some chololate, the ultimate mountain trip chocolate, kvikk lunch! 

Robert beeing cool.

Robert being cold! We just wanted to crawl together, and put on all the clothes we brought!

Then warming up...getting ready for troll hunting!

We saw some campers. Maybe that'll be us next time, since we'll definitely have to come back when there is less chance of fog!

Heading back down!

Blue sky up above

Happy and warm
Narrow paths

Not a problem for the goats

I, on the other hand, am not a goat... 

I really do not like walking down the steep trails, but I do like the stops. 

Finally down, and what else do you expect to see than a lama at a loca farm?

This was our last day in Hareid this summer, and we left for Bergen the next day.  

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